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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

God's Active Control

In Dr. R.C. Sproul's devotional magazine Tabletalk the lesson for March 1 is on God's Eternal Decree. This lesson's central point is the sovereignty of God. The One who is "Sovereign Lord" as described at Acts 4:24.

The interesting point I would like to emphasize here is the main Scripture reference Dr. Sproul uses for his lesson, it is Ephesians 1:11 "In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will."

I want us to see the point Dr. Sproul emphasizes; that God "works" he says this is a present active participle of the verb "to work" or "to expend effort." God is working in every thing all the time. He is actively working. He is not passive and His creation is moving along under its own power. The creation was created by the word of God and it is held up by His power. It continues because of God's active participation of upholding it and governing it.

Some may ask if God is in control, why is there all this evil and bad stuff going on? My own short answer, because their are evil bad people and there are consequences to their evil and bad actions and  thoughts. Their evil and bad actions and thoughts, God hates and he has promised that one day they will come to an end and be judged. The fact that that hasn't happen today, is a reason to be thankful, that somewhere God has brought someone into His kingdom, through their trust in Jesus Christ.

Dr. Sproul says God's active control of all things is governed by the counsel of his will (God's). God's plan is actively going forth, according to his eternal wisdom. To what end to the return of Jesus Christ, each day that is delay is a day of salvation somewhere for somebody, and that is according to God's sovereign, active control.

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